Let The Governor Know How You Feel About Sanctuary State Status

We’ve made it easy for you to share your concerns!

Click here for a pre-formatted email that will be sent to the Governor Polis and his Chief Of Staff

Dear Governor Jared Polis,

We, the undersigned citizens of Colorado, are writing to urge you to take action to end the “sanctuary state” status of Colorado. We believe that Colorado’s current policies regarding illegal immigration, fentanyl smuggling, and human trafficking are not only harmful to our state, but to our nation as a whole.

One of our primary concerns is the prevalence of fentanyl smuggling in Colorado. Fentanyl is a highly potent synthetic opioid that has led to a significant increase in overdose deaths across the United States. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, fentanyl seizures in Colorado have increased by 1000% since 2016. We believe that Colorado’s current policies regarding illegal immigration and open borders only contribute to this problem by allowing drug smugglers to operate with greater ease.

We are also deeply concerned about the issue of human trafficking, which is a serious problem in Colorado and across the United States. Human trafficking involves the exploitation of vulnerable individuals, often for the purposes of forced labor or sexual exploitation. Colorado’s “sanctuary state” status only serves to make it easier for traffickers to operate, by providing a safe haven for those who enter the country illegally.

Finally, we believe that Colorado’s open border policy on the southern border is not only harmful to our state, but to our nation as a whole. We believe that it is the duty of all states to enforce our nation’s immigration laws, and that Colorado’s current policies only serve to undermine this important responsibility.

As residents of Colorado, we urge you to take action to end the “sanctuary state” status of Colorado. We believe that our state should enforce our nation’s immigration laws, and take strong measures to combat the scourge of fentanyl smuggling and human trafficking. We also urge you to work with the federal government to secure our nation’s borders and protect our communities from the harmful effects of illegal immigration.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Use the link to find the State Senator/Representative for your district and tell them NOT to introduce “safe” injection sites in Colorado.